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#Slinging #The #Hashtags

Jun 02, 2013


June 2nd, 2013

#Slinging #the #HashtagsHash_DT33809017.jpgThe fine art of #hashtaging has become my obsession lately. In an effort to reach a broader audience for my video and medical thriller, I’ve scoured the net for #hashtags that define lists of interest to my target audiences. At best I’m providing a service by assisting those searching for good content, and at worse I’m like a malignant virus. There is a fine line, and my efforts probably fall somewhere in between.


I’ve been blown away by the remarkable number of related #hashtag lists to which I can post: medical, computer, technical, conference feeds, professions, education, student, corporate, finance, police, crime, legal, detective, film, TV, video, book, author, reader, electronic publishing, blogs, announcements, news, events, locations, and more! I try to verify that all #hashtags have at least some related content, but I once accidently #hashtaged onto a sports list, and earned a well-deserved WTF? tweet in return.


Using numerous online sites, I’m able to find specific #hashtags, and determine which ones are currently active. Many have location information, too, so I can target specific countries or cities worldwide. Back-checks on #hashtags give me feedback on how my tweets place in various lists, and allow me to monitor the traffic. Reading through the lists teaches me about the interests of my target audience, and allows me to harvest more #hashtags from the tweets.


I’m earning my degree in #hashtagology, and I’ll be #slinging #the #hashtags for a long time. 



☆☆☆☆☆ Secret Thoughts: a Medical Thriller is available for immediate download on Kindle, Nook, iBooks, Kobo, and in paperback from Amazon. Sony coming soon, and a Spanish version to follow. 


☆☆☆☆☆ I'll be signing SECRET THOUGHTS a ‪‎Medical‬ Thriller‬ on Friday evening 7-26 at the Pacific Northwest‬ Writers‬ Conference at the SeaTac‬ (‪‎SEA‬) Airport Hilton 17620 INTERNATIONAL BLVD, Seattle‬ 98188 1-206-248-4499, from 8:30-10:00 PM. The event is public, so come by because I'd love to meet and personalize a copy of SECRET‬ ‪‎THOUGHTS‬ for you!

☆☆☆☆☆ I'll be at the Pacific Northwest Writer's Conference on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, July 26, 27, and 28. I will be posting and tweeting a direct phone number for anyone who wants to meet me at the meeting. Discounted, personalized copies of SECRET THOUGHTS will be available from me at the Hilton thoughout the weekend. Just call me! The conference bookstore will also be selling SECRET THOUGHTS at the regular price. 

☆☆☆☆☆Thanks to everyone for a great book signing Saturday, June 29th at A Book for All Seasons in Leavenworth, WA. It was wonderful to sign along with authors Lance Weller and Jeanne Mathews

☆☆☆☆☆New blog "My Platform Shoes!" on creating an author's platform, coming soon. 

☆☆☆☆☆Author-Webmaster at work! I'm creating a new moderated forum for authors and readers to discuss and get answers to questions about writing authentic medical fiction. 

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My blog contains random thoughts on books, authors, writing, inspiration, promotion, social media, computers, and medical technology. - H.S. CLARK


ps: I welcome your comments to post here, or by email, twitter, facebook, or google plus. See my author page for contact info. Sorry about using the "captcha" feature, but I was drowning in Spam!

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