




A Medical Thriller

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Author Spotlight - Laurie Stevens with H.S. Clark

Apr 27, 2015

Laurie and I scrambled against the clock to find a quiet spot to sit down for this interview, and I owe it to her great flexibility and stamina that we made it happen. And I’m glad we did. It was a personal, growth experience to interview Laurie Stevens at the Bouchercon World Mystery Conference in Long Beach, CA. Laurie retells the trials and tribulations of her writing life from the heart. Her writing journey is one of personal discovery into which she pours her vast creative talents. I’m amazed at her extensive background in the entertainment industry, and grateful that she left the seductive lure of TV for the introspective writing life. In our video interview, Laurie recalls, for the first time, a repressed date-rape memory from her college days. She told me that self-therapy is a part of all writing, and made a believer out of me. Her startling revelation here, and writing my own medical thrillers, is probably as close as I’ll ever get to being a psychotherapist! Her interview provides an insightful look at what it means to be a writer. 


H.S. Clark

Category: authors










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☆☆☆☆☆Check out my moderated forum: "Art and Medicine" for authors and readers to discuss and get answers to questions about writing authentic medical fiction, information on physician authors and artists, and medical entertainment media. Featuring "ASK THE DOCTOR. I'm also offering free book ads for authors, check the forum for details. 



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